What is emotional intimacy?
When questioning intimacy, we often think of physical acts like coddling hands, kissing, or even sex. It is important to understand that intimacy is a crucial element of any relationship and goes beyond physical acts.
Emotional intimacy is defined as allowing oneself to connect to their partner on a deep level of connection, this is through actions like expressing your feelings, vulnerability, and trust (Gould, 2020). Sharing secrets, talking about your relationship, and being able to tell your partner important things often results in a happier relationship where all partners feel understood and safe enough to open up to each other. By actively trying to add more emotional intimacy into your relationships, you are more likely to gain a deeper sense of security in your relationship and allow yourself to be fully represented in your relationship.
What happens if there is no emotional intimacy?
Without emotional intimacy, relationships often experience a lack of:
- Safety.
- Love.
- Support.
This lack of connection can also translate into a decrease in physical intimacy, overall affecting the romantic aspect of the relationship (Jiang, 2021). .
If you or your partner view emotional intimacy as crucial and foundational factors in your relationship, a lack of emotional intimacy will inevitably affect your relationship and its quality.

The role of emotional intimacy in relationships
There has been empirical research which supports that emotional intimacy has a large role in maintaining sexual desire and partnered sexual activity in a relationship (van Lankveld et al., 2018). Sexual satisfaction can be a deal breaker for most as it usually affects the well-being of a relationship (Walker & Lutmer, 2023). Sexual satisfaction is the subjective feeling of happiness in terms of sexual experiences (Walker & Lutmer, 2023).
Here are some factors that affect sexual satisfaction (Yoo et al., 2013). :
- Sexual Education
- Mental Health
- Sexual Functioning
- Physical Health
- Sexual Confidence
- History of Reaching Orgasm
- Mindfulness
How to increase emotional intimacy in a relationship
Emotional intimacy refers to the deep connection and bond that individuals share on an emotional level, and it goes beyond the physical or superficial aspects of a relationship.
Emotional intimacy is fostered through open, honest, and empathetic communication. When partners feel comfortable sharing their thoughts, feelings, and vulnerabilities, it strengthens the emotional connection. Effective communication is a cornerstone of any healthy relationship.
Trust is fundamental to emotional intimacy. When you can confide in your partner without fear of judgment or betrayal, it deepens the trust between you. Trust forms the foundation of a strong and enduring bond.
Being willing to be vulnerable with your partner is a key aspect of emotional intimacy. It means letting down your emotional barriers and allowing your partner to see your true self, with all your fears, insecurities, and imperfections.

Emotional intimacy means being there for your partner in times of need. It’s about providing emotional support and comfort during challenging moments. Knowing that your partner has your back can strengthen the bond between you.
Emotional intimacy is a vital component of healthy and fulfilling relationships. It involves trust, vulnerability, empathy, communication, and support. Growing emotional intimacy helps couples connect on a deeper level, leading to more satisfying and resilient partnerships.
Gould, W. R. (2020, February 6). 4 things you can do right now to build emotional intimacy with your partner. NBC News. https://www.nbcnews.com/better/lifestyle/how-build-emotional-intimacy-your-partner-starting-tonight-ncna1129846
Jiang, K. (2021, January 28). Emotional intimacy: 12 ways to get and give more of it. Greatist. https://greatist.com/connect/emotional-intimacy#what-it-is
van Lankveld, J., Jacobs, N., Thewissen, V., Dewitte, M., & Verboon, P. (2018). The associations of intimacy and sexuality in daily life. Journal of Social and Personal Relationships, 35(4), 557–576. https://doi.org/10.1177/0265407517743076
Walker, A. M., & Lutmer, A. (2023). Caring, chemistry, and orgasms: Components of great sexual experiences. Sexuality & Culture, 27(5), 1735–1756. https://doi.org/10.1007/s12119-023-10087-x
Yoo, H., Bartle-Haring, S., Day, R. D., & Gangamma, R. (2013). Couple communication, emotional and sexual intimacy, and relationship satisfaction. Journal of Sex & Marital Therapy, 40(4), 275–293. https://doi.org/10.1080/0092623x.2012.751072